Wednesday, January 18, 2017

In thinking about the Economics of Latin America

Today I start this year´s course on the Economics of Latin America at the Latin American Centre.  In preparing the first class, I realised an obvious point: how much the region has changed during the last two decades that I have been studying it but also how much continuity there is.  We had ten years of growth in which we were all wondering how much the region had truly become different... and now we are back to a crisis.  Finding better ways to understand both continuities and changes should be one of the primary goals of political economy in the region.

1 comment:

Paola Hermosa said...

A greeting,
Diego Sanchez

I am Paola Hermosa, I am studyng doctoral studies in economic and bussiness in the Complutense University of Madrid.
I congratulate you for your paper presented "Undoing segmentation? Latin American social policy after the economic boom".
I've alson seen on Youtube a interview's conference in 2014 Argentina.

I would like to know more about your topic and the methodology, because my thesis is about transparency and accountability
in public administration in Latin America, under the tutoring Elena Urquia Grande.

I am in the phase of the methodology, I have participated in 3 congress (XI Chilean congress in public administration, XIX international congress AECA and XXII CLAD) and I am looking for the opportunity to make a research stance. I am very interested to be able to talk with you.

Very thanks for your attention.

My contact:
Paola Hermosa Del vasto
phone + 34 697 715 323
email: pmhermos@ucm